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Samurai Effect

Involving the food community in an online and offline strategy to put across the brand positioing evolution, from dental care to food experience.

Website, social media, adv, retail, contest
Main Role
Digital strategy, art direction, branded content, web platform
Business Region
The challenge

To communicate the brand repositioning – «Every day’s a special day with Samurai», beginning with the launch of the new product range Samurai Food, meant to identify the brand as the daily main character of many Italian dishes’ appearance.

Whet your creativity

An ironic and lively tone of voice that encourages the narration of the everyday meal routine and makes easier the food lovers involvment. This is the strategy that inspired the concept: Samurai Effect is meant to make protagonists both the consumers and the brand products, aiming to inspire user generated contents by means of contemporary digital codes.

Communication strategy

A three step plan to support the concept involving crossmedial operations. Website, social medias, sector magazines and stores on one side, influencer activities and contests on the other. A strategy that allowed to captivate the community in the spread of the Samurai Effect through photos and recipes.

Usual ingredients?

In the teaser phase, the new brand positioning and the «Food» product selection have been conveyed through a multisubject campaign. Products have been the main character in recipes and plating suggestions posted on the Facebook page and in the official website, each one with a different Samurai Effect.

Influencer activity

Five food blogger have prepared a recipe with the Samurai Food range of products, freely and personally explaining the Samurai Effect on their channels, with their style. The photo-recipes have been reposted on the brand channels, representing the community starting point to the call to action.


Engaged by the brand and food blogger call-to-action, the community has been invited to take part in the photographic contest «Whet and win». The Samurai Effect photo-recipes has been presented in a dedicated section on the website, contributing the Facebook page population.

Innovation Does

Uniti dall'innovazione digitale per aiutare le organizzazioni a vincere le sfide del mercato e del futuro.

Dinova ha l'obiettivo di creare l'ecosistema ideale dove il miglioramento delle persone stimola il progresso incessante delle organizzazioni.

Da oggi Hibo è parte di Dinova.
Abbiamo unito le forze con altre tre importanti realtà nel panorama dell'innovazione digitale non solo per ampliare la nostra offerta e rispondere in modo completo a tutte le esigenze del business, ma anche perché condividiamo un approccio determinato, proattivo e orientato al risultato.