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Marchesini HMI

A new, more intuitive and functional interface for the managing software of packaging machines. The interface, which perfectly embodies the visual identity of the multinational corporation Marchesini Group, is the result of a co-design process with users and stakeholders.

Main Role
UX Design, UI Design
Business Region
The challenge

Support the client in the optimization of the production process by rethinking the user interface (Easy Door machine, function & monitoring software of packaging machines) to improve usability, issue managing, and intervention timing. The interface should also facilitate the gathering and analysis of data to support predictive maintenance.

The Approach

Understand behaviors, needs, and motivations of the interface users through a precisely defined calendar of co-design workshops based on the collaboration with users and stakeholders and employing a user research approach. The information gathered during the interviews allowed for the design of system use models, as well as to identify issues. Ongoing conversation with the users allowed for the alignment of gathered insights and business prospects.

KPIs and Objectives

Identified KPIs:

  • Reduce the interaction time necessary to start features.
  • Create a sum-up dashboard to store the main machine status data.
  • Align Easy Door product image with that of the Brand (Marchesini Group)
Managing complexity

There are three main complexities to manage:

  • simplify the user experience, by rethinking navigation and making interactions more intuitive;
  • improve content clarity, with direct and carefully targeted titles and call-to-actions, introducing a feedback system and organizing content and intervention areas within the interface in an always-accessible grid complete with a dashboard displaying real-time machine data;
  • strengthen brand awareness, through a clear, immediate, and coherent iconographic system, a clear choice of fonts and color palette aligned with the visual identity of Marchesini Group
Prototype and release

Quality analysis techniques such as usability testing of a navigable prototype of Easy Door on a qualified panel of 15 users generated useful insights to refine specific interactions before the release of the user interface.

Innovation Does

Uniti dall'innovazione digitale per aiutare le organizzazioni a vincere le sfide del mercato e del futuro.

Dinova ha l'obiettivo di creare l'ecosistema ideale dove il miglioramento delle persone stimola il progresso incessante delle organizzazioni.

Da oggi Hibo è parte di Dinova.
Abbiamo unito le forze con altre tre importanti realtà nel panorama dell'innovazione digitale non solo per ampliare la nostra offerta e rispondere in modo completo a tutte le esigenze del business, ma anche perché condividiamo un approccio determinato, proattivo e orientato al risultato.