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A unique online and offline product experience through renewed website and new social features to strenghten the brand digital identity.

Website, social media
Main Role
Digital strategy, UX research, UI & graphic design, front-end development
Business Region
The Challange

To reinforce the brand digital identity. To focus on the product experience. To bring to the Net the company notoriety and values, outcome of years of traditional channels communication and widespread stores collocation on the national area.

A unique product experience

From the website to the store and back, through a trasversal product experience. Encouraging the online access to product informations as if assisted by a salesman and accomodating the client in the same framework he will find in any physical store, in order to perfect the shopping of a chosen product with the chance to configure it online.

A new UX for a new UI

Purchasing behaviours analysis led to shape the online experience around the immediacy of access to the product.
The analysis of the physical store commercial format pointed out elegance and craftmanship as the brand core values with which to restyle the website graphic.

A responsive website

To our technical team, the job to develop a multilingual and responsive front-end, capable of translating the UX into an accessible and seamless interface, compatible with the content management system, autonomously run by the consumer.

A stronger digital identity

A well-structured social driven communication plan to support the new brand digital identity and the development of a blog to enhance the customer service with a more direct and less istitutional channel of communication.

Innovation Does

Uniti dall'innovazione digitale per aiutare le organizzazioni a vincere le sfide del mercato e del futuro.

Dinova ha l'obiettivo di creare l'ecosistema ideale dove il miglioramento delle persone stimola il progresso incessante delle organizzazioni.

Da oggi Hibo è parte di Dinova.
Abbiamo unito le forze con altre tre importanti realtà nel panorama dell'innovazione digitale non solo per ampliare la nostra offerta e rispondere in modo completo a tutte le esigenze del business, ma anche perché condividiamo un approccio determinato, proattivo e orientato al risultato.